


几何C以“黑马”之姿出道以色列!这款被以色列行业媒体称赞为“颠覆者”的高质量纯电汽车,一经上市便迅速引爆当地市场, 被大量消费者和媒体连连点赞。日前,再次获得专业媒体认可,被以色列权威汽车杂志《auto》评为2022年“年度最佳购车型”

    The successful launch of the Geometry C electric car model in Israel has created a huge buzz in the Israeli market around a high quality car defined by industry media as a “Game Changer” in the electric vehicle market, which has resulted in the unprecedented achievement and received lots of compliments from consumers and media. A few days ago, Geometry C was once again recognized by professional media, and was nominated as the winner in the "Best Buy of the Year" category for 2022 by Israel's authoritative automotive magazine Auto. 

《auto》杂志是以色列资深的权威汽车媒体,拥有业内最专业、最熟练的新闻团队,对以色列进口的车辆进行专业、严谨的报道。早在2021年12月,该杂志就举行了电动汽车“续航里程测试”评比,凭借436公里的总续航里程和6.2 公里/千瓦时的出色能耗夺得冠军。

  Auto magazine is considered the professional, experienced and leading media platform in Israel’s automotive industry. The magazine includes the most professional and skilled journalistic team in the industry, which is meticulous in providing the most professional and rigorous coverage of the vehicles imported into Israel. Already in December 2021, the magazine held a competition between five electric vehicles that competed in the "longest range test", and in that as well, Geometry C ranking first with a total cruising range of 436 kilometers and excellent energy consumption of 6.2 km/Kwh. 

 本次 “年度汽车”奖项评选活动已由《Auto》杂志连续举办27年。从路跑表现、驾驶环境、舒适度、性价比等方面进行综合评估,经过激烈的角逐,在“年度汽车”评比中,荣获第二名,顺利拿下2022年“年度最佳购买车型”大奖。

    This "Car of the Year" award has been held by Auto magazine for 27 consecutive years. Through comprehensive evaluation in terms of road running performance, driving environment, audience suitability, value for money, etc., the Auto magazine team reviewed no less than 44 new models that had reached Israel during the past year which competed for the title of "Car of the Year" for 2022. After fierce competition, Geometry C won a distinguished second place in the "Car of the Year" competition, and successfully became the winner in the "Best Buy of the Year" category for 2022.


    Among the reasons for choosing the Geometry C, the magazine noted that "This is the model that we wished and anticipated for. A compact leisure, electric vehicle with a most respectable range of over 400 kilometers in practice in its 460 version – and at an affordable price comparable to leading Hybrid products. Geometry brings great products with high performance, excellent specifications and safety features for Israeli consumers. "



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