

二十万英里后的特斯拉 Model X:它的表现如何?


二十万英里后的特斯拉 Model X:它的表现如何?

凯尔·康纳 (Kyle Conner) 检查了世界上里程数最高的 Model X 之一。


美国东部时间2022 年 7 月 17 日上午10:42




Out Of Spec Reviews的 Kyle Conner最近有机会查看了 2017 年的特斯拉 Model X 100D,它的行驶里程超过了 200,000 英里。车主是斯洛伐克的克里斯蒂安 Christian,近 5 年来一直使用它,作为他的日常司机。与大多数特斯拉车主不同,他主要在超级充电站充电,而不是在家充电(这对你的电池来说更便宜、更好)。他经常旅行时这样做 - 他声称他大约 75% 的时间使用公共服务站。

克里斯蒂安在高速公路上撞到护栏后更换了前保险杠。由于东欧路况不佳,他还用 19 英寸合金轮毂替换了他的 X 的 20 英寸合金轮毂。在 Christian 的 Model X内部,真皮内饰非常好,只有轻微的折痕。但是方向盘磨损严重,需要更换。猎鹰门非常棒——他每年都更换密封件,因此对它们没有任何意见。

全新时,他的 100D 的可用电池容量为 93.7 kWh。根据他的计算,经过 5 年和 200,000 英里,电池现在的可用容量为 83.8 kWh。这意味着降级不到 10%,这非常令人印象深刻。考虑到他经常给汽车超级充电站充电,这个数字就更加明显了。众所周知,100D 非常可靠,其电池组在使用寿命方面优于其前身 90D。


在高速公路上行驶时,Kyle 几乎没有听到 Christian 的 Model X 发出的嘎嘎声。他还注意到它的坚固和舒适感。道路噪音不如新 X 低,后者具有更多的隔音材料。也就是说,总体而言,Kyle 对 Christian 的 200,000 英里 Model X 印象深刻。他强烈建议任何想要购买二手 Model S 或 X 的人购买100D 而不是旧的 90D。



Tesla Model X After 200,000 Miles: How Is It Holding Up?

Kyle Conner checks out one of the highest mileage Model Xs in the world.

Jul 17, 2022 at 10:42am ET

By: Ben O'Hare


Longevity is a serious concern for most first-time EV buyers, with battery degradation being a particular area of worry. Hence when we find examples of high mileage EVs it's always interesting to take a look at how they've faired in terms of battery health and general maintenance.

Kyle Conner of Out Of Spec Reviews recently had the chance to check out a 2017 Tesla Model X 100D which has clocked up over 200,000 miles. The owner, Slovakia-based Christian, has used it as his daily driver for almost 5 years. Unlike most  owners, he predominantly charges at Superchargers as opposed to at home (which is cheaper and better for your battery). He does this as he travels a lot - he claims he uses public charging roughly 75% of the time.

Christian replaced his front bumper after hitting a chain on the highway. He also replaced his X's 20" alloys with 19" ones due to the poor roads in Eastern Europe. Inside Christian's , the natural leather has held up remarkably well with only minor creasing. The steering wheel is fairly worn however and is in need of replacement. The Falcon Doors have been superb - he's had no issues with them as he changes the seals every year.

When new his 100D had a 93.7 kWh usable battery capacity. After 5 years and 200,000 miles, the battery now has an 83.8 kWh usable capacity according to his calculations. This means less than 10% degradation, which is super impressive. That figure is even more remarkable given he supercharges his car so often. The 100D is known to be quite reliable, with its battery pack superior in terms of longevity to that of its 90D predecessor.

His car has a few small rusting spots with paint bubbling in one or two areas. Water has started to seep in through the trunk but Christian plans to have this fixed soon. He has also had a few suspension issues that have been fixed by Tesla.

When driving on the highway, Kyle heard virtually no rattles in Christian's Model X. He also noted how sturdy and comfortable it felt. Road noise isn't quite as low as the new X, which has much more sound-deadening material. That said, overall Kyle was very impressed with Christian's 200,000-mile Model X. He highly recommended stretching to get a 100D over an older 90D to anyone looking at buying a used Model S or X. 

On Tesla






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