




作者:帕帕斯|发表于 2022 年 7 月 14 日

宝马正在开发其两座跑车的轻度升级版本,我们的谍照摄影师在公开场合捕捉到的 Z4 伪装原型证明了这一点。

BMW Z4 G29 最初于 2018 年推出,这意味着它很快就会满四年。因此,2023 年可能是这家巴伐利亚汽车制造商推出改款的合适时机,预计这款改款将专注于新技术而不是设计更新。

另请参阅:BMW Z4 M40i 可以像 SUPRA 一样获得六速手动变速箱

Z4 原型车的车身完全被迷彩包裹着,但保险杠上的线条看起来几乎与当前的 Z4 相同。进气口的装饰似乎略有不同,而一些变化可能隐藏在格栅盖下方。另一种可能性是宝马调整前灯上的 LED 图形,量产单元在开发过程的后期出现。

另见:带有阿尔法罗密欧格栅和车轮的定制宝马 Z4 被发现藏在埃斯特别墅停车场

预计机舱内会有更重要的更新。虽然宝马最近为 Z4 提供了包括数字仪表盘在内的更多标准设备,但改款版本可能会采用曲面显示器,它逐渐融入整个宝马系列。它包括一个 12.3 英寸的数字仪表盘和一个 14.9 英寸的信息娱乐触摸屏,这在跑车内部看起来相当奇怪。尽管如此,它还是会让 Z4 更接近竞争对手梅赛德斯-AMG SL 43。

至于动力系统,我们预计目前的阵容将被延续,传闻 M40i 旗舰车型将回归六速手动变速箱选项。与 BMW Z4 密切相关的Toyota GR SUPRA最近也推出了相同的升级。

无论如何,改款后的 Z4 至少在这十年中可能是同类产品中的最后一款,追随曾经是其直接竞争对手的梅赛德斯-奔驰 SLC / SLK的命运。Roadster 的销量不足以证明新一代的开发成本是合理的,唯一的希望是与另一家汽车制造商合作。如果宝马决定为全新的第四代 Z4 开绿灯,那么我们将谈论的是一款全电动跑车,由 2030 年欧洲市场的零排放法规规定。

2024 BMW Z4 Facelift Spied For The First Time Hiding Almost Indistinguishable Updates


 is working on a mildly updated version of its two-seater Roadster, as proven by this camouflaged prototype of a Z4 caught out in the open by our spy photographers.

The BMW Z4 G29 was originally , which means it will be four years old very soon. Thus, 2023 is probably the right time for the Bavarian automaker to unveil a facelift, which is expected to be focused on new tech rather than design updates.

See Also: 

The body of the Z4 prototype was completely covered with camouflage wrap, but the lines on the bumper look nearly identical to the current Z4. The trim on the intakes appears to be slightly different, while a few changes could be hiding below that grille cover. Another possibility is for BMW to tweak the LED graphics on the headlights, with production units appearing later on in the development process.

Moving over at the back, the designers took a day off since nothing appears to have changed. Even the diffuser trim and the dual tailpipes are carried over from the current model. Again, BMW could introduce minor changes later on, although one thing is for sure – the  will remain instantly recognizable.

See Also: 

important updates are expected inside the cabin. While BMW recently gave the Z4  including a digital instrument cluster, the facelifted version could benefit from the Curved Display which gradually finds its way into the entire BMW lineup. It comprises a 12.3-inch digital instrument cluster and a 14.9-inch infotainment touchscreen in a single panel which would look rather odd inside the Roadster. Still, it would bring the Z4 closer to the rival . in terms of tech and connectivity features which is a major aspect for new car buyers.

As for powertrains, we expect the current lineup to be carried over, with the rumored return of a six-speed manual gearbox option to the M40i flagship. The same update was recently introduced to the  which is closely related to the BMW Z4.

In any case, the facelifted Z4 could be the last of its kind for this decade at least, following the fate of the  which used to be its direct rival. Roadster sales are not high enough to justify development costs for a new generation, and the only hope is a partnership with another automaker. If BMW decides to green-light an all-new fourth-gen Z4, then we would be talking about a fully electric Roadster, dictated by the  in the European market by 2030.




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