

set off什么意思

  • 来源:易车
  • 作者: 车手881368
  • 2024-05-09 20:42:13

"set off" 有多种含义和用法,以下是其中一些:

1. 出发;启程:To start a journey or trip.(例如:They set off early in the morning.)

2. 开始;启动:To begin something, especially an explosion or fire.(例如:The fireworks set off at eight o'clock.)

3. 引起;激发:To cause someone to think or feel something strongly.(例如:Her words set off a wave of anger in him.)

4. 装饰;装点:To decorate or adorn something.(例如:She set off her living room with candles and flowers.)

5. 使分离;隔开:To separate people or things by moving them apart.(例如:The police set off the crowd.)

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